8 muses sleepy gimp
8 muses sleepy gimp

8 muses sleepy gimp 8 muses sleepy gimp

Google her if you want to look up her fascinating and dark history. Carmilla mentions an "Aunt Erzsebet" of which, there is only one infamous woman of that name in history and that is Hungarian Noblewoman Erzsebet Bathory aka The Blood Countess, who has to this day still, the highest body count for any recorded serial killer in history. It has been previously hinted that Auntie Carmilla is related to the Bathory line in the "Through the looking glass" comic. Personally, I would love to see more of Aunt Carmilla and more so what the relation with Carmilla is to her favorite Niece Evelina and if The Great Selene is also related as all 3 of them use hypnotism of various forms to control others. She seems to suggest she escaped and came to the "New World" which would be the West, much like Anne Rice's (Novelist) novels of the Vampire Chronicles where Lestat, Louis and many other vampires also left Europe for various reasons. I could be here all day writing about her but she was considered the female Dracula.īut back to Carmilla, if you look at the tapestry, it seems to suggest that she is a vampire or Demon of sorts as she is depicted with wings in one picture and in another, the lynch mob from the village is coming for her while she watches it all unfold from her castle window, very classic Dracula style. Click to expand.It has been previously hinted that Auntie Carmilla is related to the Bathory line in the "Through the looking glass" comic.

8 muses sleepy gimp